Women Circle on 10 February 2023
Horse coaching

Women Circle 10 February Dubai Horses

"True connection is not for me."

Some women settle for uncomfortable relationships, but you had your hopes up for true connection with a partner, your kids, and friends. Until you lost that hope.

Maybe you just can´t find "the one", or you struggle to make real friends.
Most days you feel disconnected.

🙏🏻Help is available in a place where you are not even looking for it! Horses are masters in emotional communication and we have created a method to learn from them. 👏

In our workshops you will
💞 understand what you project to others
and how that might be different from what you WANT to project.
💞 create a realistic vision of your ideal relationship and
💞 learn how to communicate that vision with your body language and mindset.

Just one session is often life-changing -*for our clients.

We will meet for 3 hours and the expert coaches Christina @marzmethod and Monica @feelquest are available for your questions afterwards for a one time investment of AED 399.

Try something new! You deserve true connection as well.
Make ALL your relationships more meaningful with the wisdom of horses.

Friday 10th February 2023
Choose between

9.00 to 12.00 or
15.00 to 18.00 

Max 10 women per session

Sign up now!
Limited seats available

Women Circle 10th February 2023

Please note that all fields with an asterisk must be filled in.

About Christina Marz:

Christina Marz is my mentor and teacher and will be visiting the UAE in February 2023 and be available for group and private workshops. 
She is the Founder of MarzMethod®, Horse Guided Empowerment®, Sin Miedo® Initiative and Ilatac® Institute.
Author of 7 books, idea producer, speaker, philantropist, animalist.
HeartMath® trainer, holistic psychologist, mindset coach.
German expat, divorced homeschool mum of 3, home builder, farm owner.