What the clients say

Our work is sometimes difficult to explain until you have experienced and felt the presence and the feedback of the horses.
Therefore I have put together the best and most useful testimonials in video and text to give you a better idea about my work.

Hopefully this will convince you to try it for yourself!
Please note that many of my programs are customized, so if you don't find what you are looking for on the website, just reach out to me and I will be happy to plan something with you!

Corporate client testimonials

Testimonial Sila Paul Kelly corporate team building dubai

" A great day and I can recommend María Ollero Sunyer and Monica Kubik for any corporate workshop you might have - we had a ball, and learned a lot, at Sila | صلة with working with horses." 

Paul Kelly 
CEO & Co- Founder of Sila

Thank you for trusting us and bringing your team, and especially to David Singleton from Oraculi who is the main coach for Sila and had the idea to include horses into the 2023 strategy meeting. This is what David had to say about the workshop:

Testimonial David Singleton Dubai Leadership Coach start up

"Working with horses is a gift, working with Monica Kubik and María Ollero Sunyer is a joy where I'm able to connect my work as a leadership and transformational coach with my love of horses!

For those who do ride horses you will know how important trust, confidence and communication is and in our workshop last week we included that, but also the importance of planning and working as a team so these horses would trust them enough to follow their handler through a complex obstacle course.

We transitioned from the paddock to the workshop to cascade vision and strategic objectives for the year, and now we're ready to fly!"

David Singleton
Strategic Advisor and Transformational Coach

Team Building workshop leadership horses dubai

"The entire event was awesome. You and your horses allowed us to relax and have those honest discussions that are only possible outside of the normal office environment. I can genuinely say it was the best leadership team meeting of my career and we will all remember it for a very long time; thank you for making this happen!"

Stephan Stauffer
General Manager
Arabian Ethicals 

All the team members recommended the session to their friends and acquaintances - not only in the design industry - but from teachers, engineers, and even psychologists. They all want to try it and said it was a really innovative idea for a team building strategy, and also as a way to get a better understanding of their colleagues.

After being locked down for several months and the stresses of last year, to be at one with nature, to be outside in a calm and beautiful place with these beautiful animals was already an amazing experience. One of our team members had never experienced being near a horse and was quite nervous about it but he actually overcame his fear very quickly and really enjoyed the afternoon.

For our team, it was really eye opening. As group watching each individual, the outcomes of the exercises really reflected each person as we know them. But for us as individuals we got to understand ourselves a lot more and how the other team members viewed us. It was definitely great for personal growth.

For the team watching, how each person dealt with the exercise may have been predictable, but for each person it was not, so to understand how other people view you and how your personality is perceived to others was not only insightful but also empowering. To be told that you are kind and caring, or that you are practical and thoughtful, these are opinions we may have of each other but it is not something you really share in an office or even think about saying! The session created natural opportunities to demonstrate our personalities and actually put into words how we feel. This also strengthened us as a group and created a greater level of trust between us.

Being from a completely different background and not really experiencing horses before, we did not realize that horses can really understand us and teach us about ourselves. 

Firstly to define what you want and then figure out how you want to get it but also that we have so many ways of communicating beyond words.

Jennie Binchy, Director Binchy and Binchy Architecture Ltd

Companies I worked with

Masdar city logo client
Nestle logo horses
Dubai Islamic bank
cat logo
Abu dhabi customs logo dubai horses
pwc logo
DP World logo
taqa logo abu dhabi
GSK logo dubai
uae government leaders program ministers horses
Ministry of finance uae horse leadership client workshop
arabian ethicals
london business school dubai abu dhabi
Radisson Hotel group logo
acwa power logo abu dhabi
Acca logo

Thank you to the horses!

Thank you to the Equestrian Association for People of Determination in Dubai as well as Ride to Rescue in Abu Dhabi! Without their horses my work would not be possible!
Having the right horses at my side is what makes this work truly special!

If you can, please support their work!
These old horses may not be suitable for a lot of riding anymore. But as you can read, they have a much more important task to do...

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