Connecting people, horses and business
This is me!

Connecting is part of who I am.

It comes naturally to me.
Connecting businesses and people,
connecting to nature and to myself.

Born and raised as a global child in an ever more connected world, I bridge continents and mindsets.

German, born and raised in Latin America, now living in Dubai

I was born in Argentina, moved to Mexico, Brazil, back to Mexico, and as a teenager to Germany, where I finished high school and studied to become an economist.
Changing schools and making new friends every few years was a normal part of life.
In 2002, an internship brought me for the first time to Dubai, an upcoming city that is rapidly moving and changing.
Since 2006, I live here with my husband and our two children who were both born here.

Watch the below short movie for a short introduction into what I do and why I chose Dubai:

Enjoying Dubai's vision

Speaking multiple languages and having an understanding of different cultures myself, I truly enjoy living in this multifaceted city, and raising my kids to become open-minded, global citizens.
Dubai is a vibrant city that brings together so many different nationalities, living and working in harmony.

With a clear vision, Dubai manages to create incredible things, getting people from all over the world to work together on this vision.

The city's leaders show us everyday that if you really believe in your ideas, have a positive outlook and are determined to work hard for your goals, anything can be achieved.

"Positivity is a way of thinking, and happiness a lifestyle.
In other words, it is not what you own or do that makes you happy, it is how you think about things."
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

corporate seminars with horses in Dubai msb connect

Meet Monica - an adventurous nature-lover with a high values 

My personality has been shaped by the places that touched me, and the people who have been around me.

My love for horses has been evident from a young age.
The horses taught me a love for life and nature.
I also learnt responsibility, reliability and honesty through being with them.
Being focused and goal-oriented, I get things done.
People (and animals alike!) know they can count on me.

I am determined and courageous, open-minded and adventurous through my upbringing.
Direct communication is in my opinion essential to minimize conflict, and I will not limit myself through other people's believes.

Freedom is very important to me - the liberty to do and say things, for myself, but also for everyone around me.
I believe it is important to empower people and animals so we can grow together and fulfill our roles in life.

My background: a solid foundation

I have a masters in economy from the University of Hohenheim - it was a sensible subject to study, and the university was close to the stable where I kept my horse at the time! Looking back though, in all these 6 years I never really knew which field I was going to work in. 

Right after the studies I moved with my husband to Dubai, and through a friend got a job in trade exhibitions. 
I truly enjoyed these years at Messe Frankfurt - bringing together thousands of people from all over the world to meet face to face and managing all aspects that go into organizing such a big event.
After having my first son in 2012, I decided to cut back and only worked part time in the field by becoming the regional representative for a South African business matchmaking company - again, a great match as I bridged continents and brought people from all over the world together.

But I grew bored of the exhibitions - year after year the same events. 
Also, having kids made me realize what truly matters in life, and so I went in search of a more meaningful job...

Whilst horses were a life long passion for me, I could never see myself working in the equestrian world.
I knew that to earn money with horses you have to use them, exploit them, and treat them as a sports instrument, minimizing costs and letting them work hard, which went against all my principles.

But then, in 2016 I read for the first time about leadership courses with horses, about the certification by Gerhard Krebs and his work with HorseDream, and I was immediately hooked. I knew deep inside that this is my calling, that I have to bring it together - my passion for horse, working with them in a respectful manner, and all the knowledge I had acquired through my work in the corporate world and all my life lessons.

Finally I had found a job that sparks real joy in me, where I help people and horses alike.

Two weeks later I flew to Germany to start my first certification in the field, and over the years added several more.

In the meantime, I am:

Connecting to nature

connect, horse, leadership, personal development, seminar, course, dubai

In our busy, modern lives I feel we sometimes loose track of this important connection – the humble connection to nature, which can help us in our personal fullfilment.

I help you reconnect with yourself using horses as training partners.

Getting people who may have never been around horses to connect with these majestic animals helps you become more conscious of your personal believes, goals and negative patterns that block you.

Through horse assisted leadership courses, you receive input on how to improve your relationships with people close to you, and can experience first hand what your own, true personality is.

The horse assisted experiences are true eye-openers, where in a short span of time you can achieve amazing results that will help you to go back to your life with new impulses on how to gain the respect, but also the confidence and trust of others.

For more information, read in detail what the horse assisted courses are about, and get in contact if you want more information on dates and prices.

Arrange a short meet and greet to see how you feel around the horses - I will give you a free introduction before you make any bookings.

My values:
Freedom, Honesty and Respect, for others and myself. Open-mindedness and Professionalism.

My Mission:
Connecting people and horses. Guiding and creating a safe place to allow my clients new insights into their inner self.

My Vision:
To make the world a better place by educating people about their own nature and showing them a a way to real happiness.

EAHAE horse assisted leadership seminar, personality development, education

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