Scientific research into horse guided work

I am often asked for scientific research and proof of our methods of using horses in various learning and coaching activities.
Is it just a magical unicorn tale or is there actually research to back up what we do?!

And although there is no a huge lot of research done in the actual field, what we do is linked to many other therapies and coaching formats.

I will describe some of these below.

For me, the most important proof though are in the end all the stories from all over the world which show that the horses can unlock potential and help us look at ourselves in a way that no facilitator could do on his own. I am connected to many different groups of amazing coaches worldwide, working with children, corporates, families, special needs people, etc from all different backgrounds, religions and races - and the amazing stories are yet always the same, and they show, that it is not just one person making something up!

Some of the theories linked to what we do:

Mission in Horse Guided Empowerment

We empower our clients by helping them acquire new strategies to cope with the difficulties in their lives.

We work in a prepared, safe environment where they get new inputs and emotional support and become more aware of their own thoughts and feelings, which can ultimately help them in establishing better relationships with themselves and others.

We work with positive psychology, and open questions that lead the client to find their own interpretation and answers.

Interested to know more?
Give me a call if you feel that the horses can help you or the people around you in their self-development, be it personal or in the office.
We are all here on a journey of never ending self-awareness, let the horses help you along the way!

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