Ride to Rescue

Ride to Rescue is the name of Yasmin's herd of horses who are stabled in Mandara Equestrian Club, Abu Dhabi.
This is also the group of horses we work with in our horse assisted leadership seminars.

Yasmin, a German / Palestinian / Greek mix has been a resident of the United Arab Emirates since 2004 and over the years started to take in more and more horses who needed help.

Some of them were old, others no longer good enough for racing or show jumping, one was even on the verge of dying from a muscular disease and all Yasmin wanted was to give him a few last good days and a peaceful death.
Salambo, although deemed almost dead, blossomed under her care and is now, 5 years later, one of the stars in the herd.

As she has to pay livery, medications, food, ferrier etc out of her own pocket, Yasmin started Ride to Rescue to generate money to sustain the care of these animals by asking people to come and learn from these horses. 
Not all of them are sound to be ridden, therefore the focus of Ride to Rescue is on teaching children from a young age the correct care of these lovely animals - learning about the nature of horses, how to brush, feed, shower, lead them, often followed by a short ride in the end. She has partnered with Maarita, who also offers programs for children with special needs.

And then of course there are the corporate trainings - which physically don't ask much of the horses, but give them a great sense of being needed!

Corporate courses with old rescue horses

We can only ask horses to help us in our personal development if they themselves are strongly rooted within themselves, and don't have their own personal problems to worry.

A horse that is stressed, worried, and unhappy with his personal situation cannot really be helping us humans, who are often the cause of his misery.

At Ride to Rescue however, all horses are poured with love and the best care, and have experienced that there are good people in this world to look after them.
They are happy to return this love, and they have also learned that it is ok to just be themselves - they are not asked to obey, to do things they don't want to do, and don't have to expect punishment for their behavior, meaning they will also stand their ground if one of the participants is not demonstrating clear leadership. This in return is needed for the learning of the humans.

I am very thankful to be able to cooperate with Yasmin and her horses, and to support her great cause while at the same time helping humans discover more about themselves.

Would you like to support Ride to Rescue?

Apart from booking one of our seminars, you can also get in touch directly with Yasmin and bring your child to one of the fun filled afternoons learning about animal welfare, or book some time for yourself and the horses!

Reach Yasmin on whats app: +971 52 193 5544

or follow her on Instagram: www.instagram.com/ride_to_rescue and
Facebook: www.facebook.com/uaehorseresque
o see any upcoming events.

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